1. 750words.com
This one is a really good one. It's totally private, and it counts your words for you!
It's just like what it sounds. Every day, you go and type 750 words. They can be anything. Don't think. Just write. You get points for every day you do it, and more if you do it daily. They don't really mean anything, but it might be a good motivation for some people!
Also, after you write it analyzes it, in a place called "Your Stats". Impressive eh?
But be careful! If you indent, it counts it as a word!
2. Oneword.com
This also is exactly what it sounds like, kinda. Every day you log on, and there's one word and a 60 second timer. So for 60 seconds you just turn off your brain, and write whatever comes to mind about that word. It's sometimes really helpful to learn how to write without thinking about writing, and this does just that!
3. wildpoetryforum.com
This is my favorite site ever. It's a forum and you go and post your poetry and you have a whole world of amateur and professional poets that comment and give you critique. You get both sides of the scale, and every one is so friendly and welcoming. I've been a member or a year or two, and I can fully attribute any writing ability I have to that site for making me better and influencing me.
4. Penzu.com
This is one I'm not personally part of but I have checked it out and it's really nifty. It's like an online journal. No one sees it and you can write as much as you want.
5. Sundayscribblings,blogspot.com
This is for anyone who likes a weekly challenge. Every Saturday they post a prompt and you have all night to write it and then on sunday you submit the URL or location where it is and they'll put up a link to it so other people can read what you wrote.
6. onetwofiver.com
This is another one that I'm not part of but I think I will join. There is no critique, just writing. You write what you want, and people can comment. It's really nice. You can go and read, or you can join and write.
Maybe I'll post more as I find them! Enjoy!